Friday, December 3, 2010

Interview with an Inspiring Woman

Name: Sara Ljeskovac
Age: 18
Location: Langnau, Switzerland

Sara, to put it simply, is brilliant. Anyone who can draw a virtually life-like portrait of someone in the space of ten minutes extends beyond the realm of average – at least in my opinion.
Sara’s art inspires me not only because of how beautiful it is, but also because it covers a wide array of topics that are important in the world today – animal cruelty, nature and pollution to name a few. Her art is a medium for getting important messages out into the world, and in so doing, she both inspires and calls attention.
I am more than confident that ten years from now, Sara will be paving the way for female artists everywhere.

So Sara, what inspires you?
The world around me, and other amazing artists – and music.

Any examples you could give me?
Sure. Nature…I like any music but classical music is great to draw to.

Does classical music inspire your art?
Yes. It makes my art more dramatic – I tend to use bold colors.

Do you think you are inspiring?
No. A million people are better out there than me.

But that’s not true! You don’t think that anyone could be inspired by your work or take something from it?
I want people to like my work and think about it – but I never considered the fact that it might inspire anybody. But if it does, that’s great! Hopefully I’ll get more people involved in art.

Do you think that art can be inspiring though?
Yes, I think that some paintings have made people question their actions – like historical paintings. The slave ship by William Turner or Olympia. IT made people question gender difference and the role of nudity in art and society.

Do you think or hope that maybe one day, your art could inspire a large group of people? Say if you were to become a famous artiste.
It depends. You have to find the audience that appreciates your work. Maybe if I’m in the right place. I’m not really out for fame – I would just like to keep on producing art that has meaning and depth to me as a person.

Any women you know that inspire you and what you do?
Sure. Throughout history, women had kind of a difficult place in society, so any female artists that have striven to produce work are inspirational. And also I guess in literature, like J.K. Rowling who continued to do what she loved even though she was poor and in a difficult life situation. She still continued to do what she loved. All the girls who come into art class during their free periods at school – and not because they have to but because they want to – it’s nice to see them give up their free time to do something that means a lot to them and that they enjoy doing.

Any last words?
Communication is good, and art is my communication. KEEP DRAWING!

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